The Pinnacle

*while principal at prior firm

The Pinnacle


Mixed-use Masterplan

Worthington, Ohio
For: Inspiration for Development

Project Info:

The project explores the development potential inherent in the traditional, approximately fifty year old low rise office park. The existing development consists of pyramidal, horizontally banded office buildings in a sea of surface parking. The parking lots are currently located along the street frontage of the site while the buildings are relegated to the back side of the site. The project includes the insertion of a parking deck between each of the existing buildings, linking them across the back of the site. Mid-rise housing is placed above each existing office building which has now been faced with a sloping curtainwall system to update their market value. Upgrades include interior modifications allowing for higher ceilings and two story interior spaces, a change from Class C to Class A categorization, featuring restaurant and retail space at grade. The parking garages free up the frontage surface area for new development which mimics the mid-rise, mixed-use buildings at the back of the site, only in lieu of garages between the buildings there are now sky bridges each located above the vehicular access to the site and each leading directly into the garages. With a single, axial pedestrian street in the center, the development is perfect for strolling or biking to enjoy the amenities of the development. At the end of the pedestrian causeway is a convention hotel and beyond it at the edge of the precipice overlooking the public sports park and highway intersection far below, is a statue of the founder of the city Thomas Worthington, The Pinnacle.

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